3 credits
Who is this course for?
The course aims to highlight both the role as leader of one firm or business unit and the role of a person in charge of the implementation of AI in an organization, aligned with this idea, this course is directed to engineers, data scientists, managers and professionals interested in the understanding of the relevant aspects in the implementation of AI in an organization.
What will you learn from this course?
This course asks participants to take on a challenge of reflecting about AI Implementation! We firmly believe that Artificial Intelligence Implementation is a journey that can be learned, but not by addressing fragmented aspects of the topic. It is first and foremost an experience-based process, something you learn individually and collectively through a reflection process of the implications of adopting a new technology and embracing its effects in an organization.
The aim of the course is to develop the student’s knowledge of planning and adoption of AI, as well as the challenges and barriers that organizations usually face when implementing and adapting AI to their activities.
To achieve this objective, this course provides students with opportunities to understand practical aspects of the AI implementation through the analysis of documents and literature and its application to real situations the participants (students of this course) might face in their organizations.
What is the format for this course?
Instruction type: Teaching is conducted in English and online format. The teaching consists of (recorded) lectures, group discussions in a forum, panel of experts, and analysis of practical problem-solving applying the concepts of the course.
Frequency: The course consists of three modules, distributed over 10 weeks.
Examination: It consists of two assignments: an individual reflection paper and Participation in the forum presenting their progress in the reflection paper and giving feedback to their classmates. The overall grade is Pass/Fail (U/G) for the examinations. Students need to pass both parts to pass the whole course.

Course responsible:
Deycy Sanchez

Course responsible: