Python: A Gateway to Machine Learning
7.5 credits
Who is this course for?
In this course, we will go through some advanced programming concepts within the Python programming language that are prerequisites for working with modern machine learning applications in Python. Students should already have familiarity with programming in some programming language.
What will you learn from this course?
You will start with basic concepts in Python programming. This will continue with the introduction of some techniques and data structures in algorithm design. Finally, students will receive basic training in fundamental scientific computing and data science Python libraries that machine learning libraries are based on.
Instruction type: The course is in English and can be attended online. It includes lectures and exercise sessions. Additionally, there are lab assignments for more hands-on programming practice.
Frequency: This course includes two lecture sessions and one problem-solving session per week, spanning a total of 8 weeks.
Examination: Students will be assessed through three lab assignments and one project. Additionally, there is a written exam that must be taken in person. Upon request, it is possible to take the exam in your local area. More information about this option is provided during the course.

Course responsible:
Hamid Sarmadi